Saturday 23 December 2017

Pushing the boat out for Christmas

New Rotary Cutter Blade
New Rotary Cutter Blade
I am actually doing some sewing today, it seems like ages since I have had the chance to sit at the machine and make quilt blocks. To celebrate I have put a new sharp blade into my rotary cutter, after all - it is Christmas!

Thursday 21 December 2017

Dear Jane Count

The Dear Jane Quilt  - counting the pieces
The Dear Jane Quilt  - counting the pieces
I have taken some time today to count my Dear Jane pieces.  As you may know, the original has her name and a count of all the pieces in the original Dear Jane quilt.  It is a job I have been putting off, thinking it would be long a tedious, but no so.  I also managed to find some rogue paper pieces along the way.  In total I have 5163 pieces in my Dear Jane quilt.  Jane Stickle had 5602.  I have clearly introduced modern day efficiencies into mine.  All I need to do now is to embroider the details onto the quilt.  Can you think of any other cryptic messages I should include?

Monday 6 November 2017

On Ringo Lake - Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt 2017

'On Ringo Lake' Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery Quilt
'On Ringo Lake' Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery Quilt
You may have noticed that this week Bonnie Hunter has launched her 2017 Mystery Quilt - On Ringo Lake.  Will you be taking up the challenge this year?  I have done several of her quilts in the past and it has been thoroughly good fun and I have some beautiful quilts as a result. 
However, don't get too excited as I have already decided that I don't really have time to do it this year - I was just curious to see the colour scheme.  What do you think?  As usual I think I would change it around a bit as with just the four colours you could probably come up with something quite delicious.
'On Ringo Lake' Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery Quilt
'On Ringo Lake' Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery Quilt
If you are looking for a project to fill in that slow time between Christmas and New Year, I can recommend heading over to her blog to see what is in store.  I expect I will be an onlooker, but will be checking out the progress over the next few months. 

Monday 30 October 2017

La Passacaglia - October 2017 update

La Passacaglia - October 2017 update
It has been a while since I have had my La Passacaglia out, but a few days away allowed me to resurrect my interest in it.  It doesn't look like there has been much change since you last saw it in July, but  I can assure you that there has.  The colour scheme - well there isn't an overall one, but within each rosette I am enjoying playing with colours.
I could do with a La Passacaglia day, just to sort out how many of the rosettes I intend to do and to bring on each of the circles to the next stage, but I don't see that coming until the Christmas break. 

Monday 18 September 2017

Wooly Sheep Wall Quilt

'Woolly Sheep' Wall Quilt Kit
I am usually quite good at sticking with projects, but once in a while I want a quick project to stop the monotony.  I have been eyeing up this felt wool project kit for a while and at the last show I went to I picked it from Pelenna Patchwork. The kit is 'Woolly Sheep' wall quilt by Rachel's of Greenfield.  The main reason I bought the kit was because everything I needed was with it ready to go.  No time wasted trying to find all the bits and pieces and preventing me from actually making something.
'Wooly Sheep' Wall Quilt Kit
'Woolly Sheep' Wall Quilt Kit
It has been my go to project for the last two weeks and being only 13" x 15" it came together quite quickly.  I finished off the binding today and it is now ready to hang on my wall.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Dear Jane Progress and Rainbow Scrappy Challenge catch up

Dear Jane quilt - English Paper Piecing, removing the papers.
Dear Jane quilt - English Paper Piecing, removing the papers.
I have had a few days where I have spent time moving a few projects forward.  Firstly, the Dear Jane quilt has been pulled out and I have made a big effort to remove all the papers. This is slow.  Very slow.  I have done over half, but I have now left it out so that I can go and pick at it in odd moments.  Once this is done I need to count all the pieces so that I can embroider the total on the corner block.
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - cutting May, June, July, August, September
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - cutting May, June, July, August, September
Then I saw that the September colour for the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge had been released.  I know that my progress on this had lapsed, but when I looked back I realised I was 5 months behind.  Again, I pulled out my remaining Kim Diehl fabrics and cut enough to keep me quiet for a while.  I sewed a few, but some serious machine stitching time is required on this one.

Finally, for a second time, I forgot to enter Suzi into the 2017 Pets on Quilts competition.  So please enjoy this photo of her.

Friday 1 September 2017

Foundation Star and Round Robin

Carol Doak Foundation Pieced Star
Carol Doak Foundation Pieced Star
It's amazing how this snazzy foundation pieced star has got me into trouble.  It is part of the reason that the blog is SO quiet.  It is a Carol Doak foundation pieced star which I entered into my local quilting groups annual challenge - I won.  The prize is to choose the challenge for the following year and in my wisdom I decided we should to a Round Robin for 2017.  It is a blind Round Robin, so everything is in secret, so hence no sharing on the internet.  It is a medallion quilt, so each round gets bigger and takes longer to do and that is what I have been doing instead of any other sewing.  I also have the important role of making up the rules as I go along. 

The big reveal is in January 2018, so maybe a few shares then. Have you ever taken part in a Round Robin quilt challenge?

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Festival of Quilts 2017, UK - Pies and Tarts Quilt

'Pies and Tarts' Quilt by Frances Meredith, designed by Sue Daley
'Pies and Tarts' Quilt by Frances Meredith, designed by Sue Daley
Here is my entry for the NEC Festival of Quilts show 2017.  You will find it amongst the Traditional Quilts, No 538. It is a Sue Daley pattern called Pies and Tarts.  My early Followers may remember it. I have just browsed through my blog to see when I actually finished piecing this quilt - it was 5 years ago in December 2012.  Well since then I basted it, left it a while, made a pathetic attempt to hand quilt it, left it a while, bought a long arm quilting machine, still thought I would hand quilt it, and left it a little bit longer.
Unpicking basting and quilting stitches before longarming
Unpicking basting and quilting stitches before longarming
Then one day earlier this year I decided that I would unpick the basting and hand quilting I had done (it wasn't very much) and I would quilt it on my long arm machine.  I can remember the time and pain it took to baste the quilt, but the stitching came out in no time at all ....
Long Arm Quilting
Long Arm Quilting
So in one day the quilt was quilted.  The binding had been waiting patiently for 5 years in a bag with the quilt.  In the evenings I have quietly attached it, added a hanging sleeve and even stitched out a label for it. It has been delivered to the organisers There is a moral in there somewhere.

Do go and see it at the Festival of Quilts this year, however, you probably won't see its fabulous Kaffe Fassett Millifiore fabric on the back - so here is a picture for you to enjoy.

Friday 7 July 2017

July 2017 Update - La Passacaglia

La Passacaglia - June 2017
I thought I had better put up a post as my dedicated followers (Jocelyn / Mollie) have been wondering what I have been up to.  Last time I posted I had just started the La Passacaglia quilt and in the picture you can see the progress.  This one is much harder than the previous projects as there are a lot of design decisions along the way.  Life was so simple when it was just a little Dear Jane block to do. Naturally I want to put my own twist on it and finding the time to do that has been the obstacle.  It demands a lot of different fabrics and as a result my workroom has imploded with fabric and there is currently restricted access.  I haven't had time for the Scrappy Challenge and Dear Jane is still waiting for her papers to be taken out.
I have also been creatively sidetracked with other creative stuff.  I bought a Gelli plate and it has re-ignited my interest in mixed media.  Then I bought a Brother Scan N Cut once I realised I could cut all my English paper pieces from it - yes it really can.
If you are wondering what sewing I am really up to, you had better head over to my other blog.  There is no shortage of sewing going on there and it probably the best place to find me  / Follow me if you want to check I am still alive.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - April 2017

SoScrappy 2017 Challenge
SoScrappy 2017 Challenge
Four months in and I am managing to keep up with the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge 2017.  The April colour was 'multi- coloured' and I have interpreted it in my own way by using fabrics which don't seem to fit into any category.
Kim Diehl Farmhouse Fabric
Kim Diehl Farmhouse Fabric
I have used this 'neutral' from one of Kim Diehl's fabric collections.  I love it, but it isn't quite neutral enough for most projects, but seemed to be an excellent candidate for this month.

Joining up with SoScrappy!

Sunday 9 April 2017

THE NEW PROJECT - La Passacaglia

La Passacaglia - Rosette 1

I thought it was time I started a new English Paper Piecing project.  There were several candidates in the ring, but The Passacaglia by Wyllyne Hammerstein has won.  I thought this was a good project to use my stash, completely massacre it with some fussy cutting, as well as leaving the option open to buy fabric that was considered 'essential' for the project when out and about.  Naturally I was slightly influenced by Wendy's divine interpretation.  Here is my progress so far.  The colour choice seems to be infinite and I have changed my mind so many times already.
Millefiori Quilts Willyne Hammerstein book

Back in the summer I purchased the book and the templates from Sew and Quilt.  There are only five shapes for the whole quilt which keeps it simple, but allows you to stroke fabric all day whilst choosing your colour combinations.  I don't have a particular colour scheme in mind, it will be dictated by my stash and therefore I expect it to grow organically.
Sew and Quilt Acrylic Templates - La Passacaglia
Sew and Quilt Acrylic Templates - La Passacaglia
 So there you go. I think the most difficult challenge will be not losing the acrylic templates!

Joining up with Kathy at Slow Stitching Sunday!

Monday 20 March 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR2 Leigh's Wood

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR2 Leigh's Wood
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR2 Leigh's Wood
Have you seen this one before?  I don't think you have.  It is the last block that I have to show you as part of my Dear Jane quilt journey.  It is Border block BR2 Leigh's Wood.
My head still has settled on the next project.  It has been over 4 weeks since I had a hand piecing project to haul about with me and I am still suffering from cold turkey.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 31 pieces

Saturday 18 March 2017

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - March 2017 Red

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - Red
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - Red
We are three months into this challenge and these blocks don't seem to be getting any easier.  I finished this month's quota in the evenings this week and will be waiting patiently for the reveal of April's colour.  If it is red again, that will be fine as I have still have plenty of red scraps.
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - Red
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - Red
This pattern involves a lot of pressing and cutting to get accurate squares, so plenty of time stood at the ironing board.

Hope to be linking up with So Scrappy this weekend!

Friday 17 March 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR2 Australian Pines

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR2 Australian Pines
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR2 Australian Pines
Here is Border Block TR2 Australian Pines from the Dear Jane quilt.  I haven't got any further removing the papers from my Dear Jane.  It seems like a job you would do when you have nothing more important to do.  At the moment there are plenty of important things to do, so my Dear Jane is sitting quietly in a cupboard.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 20  pieces

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR12 Jane's Oak

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR12 Jane's Oak
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block TR12 Jane's Oak
I haven't neglected the last few Dear Jane blocks and I will post the remaining three over the next few days.  This is Border Block TR12 Jane's Oak.  For me this was the most challenging block.  Just 4 pieces, but that appliqued oak leaf was a struggle.  I pretty much had the whole quilt together before I had a second attempt at this block.  Give me tiny pieces any day!

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 4  pieces

Saturday 11 March 2017

Jane Pizar Quilt at Cheltenham Art Gallery, UK

Detail - Jane Pizar Quilt Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums
Detail - Jane Pizar Quilt
Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums
I have been on a special trip out today.  Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums were holding an event 'Quilty Pleasures', where a group of us had the opportunity to look at some of the quilts held in their collection. It was just a short visit, but we got to see three very interesting quilts including this one, the Jane Pizar quilt, which I have also heard be called the Cheltenham Quilt.  This quilt is not on regular display and so it was a rare treat to see the staff unroll in front of our eyes.
Detail - Jane Pizar Quilt Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums
Detail - Jane Pizar Quilt
Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums
The quilt is understood to be made by Jane Pizar between 1850-1860 in Ireland.  Looking at the front and the back, the majority looked (IMHO) to be English Paper Pieced.  How could I see the back?  Well this quilt is not actually quilted, like many of us, Jane perhaps preferred the piecing to quilting! 

Friday 3 March 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR12 Jessie's Stained Glass

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR12 Jessie's Stained Glass
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Block BR12 Jessie's Stained Glass
Miracle of miracles! I actually took a photo of this border block, BR12 Jessie's Stained Glass.
I have seen many, many Dear Jane attempts which never go the full stretch because the triangles look difficult.  This one has just 18 pieces and as in the case of most of the triangles, there are less pieces than some of the 4.5" blocks. Have a go.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 18  pieces

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 57 - Border Triangles TR2, TR12, BR2, BR12

English Paper Piecing - Dear Jane Quilt
English Paper Piecing - Dear Jane Quilt
Here is a view from the back of my Dear Jane quilt as it is in its current status.  It is all together, just another border and the papers to remove.  This photo shows it in all its English Paper Piecing glory.

The photo is also to distract you from the fact that I did not do a collective photo of Draw 56, the little square orange blocks and that I swiftly moved on to Draw 57 - the FINAL one, which is a set of border triangles.

Draw 57
TR2 - Australian Pines
TR12 - Jane's Oak
BR2 - Leigh's Woods
BR12 - Jessie's Stained Glass

This Draw will be in Red

Saturday 25 February 2017

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - February Sea Green

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - February Sea Green
Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - February Sea Green
It is the end of February and I am just about managing to keep up with the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge at So Scrappy.  It is only now that I realise how prolific these Scrap Challenge quilters are.  I have managed sixteen blocks this month in colours which stretch from the blue and green end of sea green.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block M11 Rickshaw

Dear Jane Quilt - Block M11 Rickshaw
Dear Jane Quilt - Block M11 Rickshaw
I am scraping together the final blocks of my Dear Jane quilt.  This one is M11 Rickshaw.  As I said before, the photo is taken with the block sewn into the quilt, the paper and basting stitches still in, so it looks a little peculiar.

The next job with this quilt is to add up the number of pieces, maybe I should have done as I was going along ....

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 29 pieces

Monday 13 February 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E12 Mary Ruth's Corset

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E12 Mary Ruth's Corset
Dear Jane Quilt - Block E12 Mary Ruth's Corset

Here is Dear Jane block E12 Mary Ruth's Corset. 
It is a bit of a 'warts and all' photo as I have had to take it stitched into the quilt.  To me it appears to highlight the English Paper tacking / basting threads.   Below you can see the evidence that the paper is still in.
Dear Jane quilt helper
Dear Jane quilt helper
Suzi and I have reached a compromise regarding my priority of role of main lap provider versus Dear Jane quilt stitcher.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Dear Jane progress ....

Suzi the cat with the Dear Jane quilt
Suzi the cat with the Dear Jane quilt
I am not the only one suffering from the inconvenience of not having a portable sewing project ....

Sunday 5 February 2017

Pink Broken Dishes Doll Quilt

Pink Broken Dishes Doll Quilt
Pink Broken Dishes Doll Quilt
Back in the spring I joined up with the 2016 Doll Quilt Swap over at Humble Quilts and made a little brown broken dishes quilt for my swap partner, Heather in Florida. 
Brown Broken Dishes Doll Quilt
Brown Broken Dishes Doll Quilt
Whilst I was getting it together I thought I would work on one for myself, this time in a pink colour scheme, choosing from the lovely selection of traditional prints which Wendy sent me.  I had most of it together, but this little quilt has been hanging on the back of a chair for the past few months waiting to be quilted. This was its lucky week.
Pink Broken Dishes Doll Quilt
Pink Broken Dishes Doll Quilt

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block L8 Box Kite

Dear Jane Quilt - Block L8 Box Kite
Dear Jane Quilt - Block L8 Box Kite
More Dear Jane blocks, this time L8 Box Kite. 
Through this Dear Jane journey I have had plenty of ideas for different Dear Jane's.  I know many, many people make more than one Dear Jane quilt.  This is a true fact.  Yes, I think I could join the group, but then there are so many other projects I could be doing.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 15 pieces

Sunday 29 January 2017

Hidden Gems Quilt - Scraphappy with Purple in January 2017

Hidden Gems Quilt - Scraphappy with Purple
Hidden Gems Quilt - Scraphappy with Purple
I have resisted for many years, but the flurry of Hidden Gems quilt blocks I have seen has tipped me over the edge.  I have given in and one of my 2017 projects will be joining the Scraphappy gang at So Scrappy.  I am a long time visitor to the blog and often see the fun everyone is having with their scraps.  The Hidden Gems pattern was one of the first 'Pins' I pinned on Pinterest several years ago and these are the first four blocks completed in purple fabrics - not without pain, but complete nonetheless.  The blocks are 4" square.
Leftovers from a Dear Jane quilt
Leftovers from a Dear Jane quilt
With all the pieces for my Dear Jane quilt cut I still have ALL THIS Kim Diehl fabric left over.  Clearly I didn't want to run out of the fabric.  I probably have enough remaining fabric to make several Dear Jane quilts, but instead I will be turning them into a Hidden Gems quilt over the next 12 months, following the colour guidance of SoScrappy.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block H7 Bennington Star

Dear Jane Quilt - Block H7 Bennington Star
Dear Jane Quilt - Block H7 Bennington Star
I am sure this Dear Jane block, H7 Bennington Star, has hijacked its namesake, the Ohio Star.  Quick, where are the quilt police.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 25 pieces

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 56 - E12, H7, M11, L8

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 55 - E11, G1, H12, K7
Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 55 - E11, G1, H12, K7
Thank you for all the supportive comments about my last post.  My Dear Jane blocks have been laid out on my floor since October, so they are quite a familiar sight for me, but I guess the glimpse I gave you revealed the actual progress I am making.

In getting this blog post together I have realised that my photographic record taking of each block and set of blocks lapsed near the end when the excitement of getting it together took momentum.  This is the last 'set' picture I have and some of the blocks did not even get their photo taken before I had sewn them in!

In our progress there are only 8 more blocks to show you.  Once they are done what will I have to show you each day?  I still don't have anything planned for 2017.

Draw 56
E12 - Mary Ruth's Corset
H7 - Bennington Star
M11 - Ricshaw
L8 - Box Kite

This Draw will be in Orange

Sunday 22 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Slow Stitching Sunday + 300th Follower

Dear Jane Quilt - Slow Stitching Sunday
Dear Jane Quilt - Slow Stitching Sunday
I am pretty laid back when it comes to timescales I take to make a English Paper Pieced quilt - I am in no hurry.  However, once it is no longer portable I tend to get less time to work on it and it seems to take for ever to come together.  I am at that stage now with my Dear Jane quilt.  I have at last got all the Dear Jane square blocks together, along with the sashing and the cornerstones and I am now finally working on the border triangles.

Also I would like to welcome Laura Bender who is my 300th Follower on my blog!

Time to join up with Kathy at Slow Stitching Sunday.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block G1 Hattie's Hen House

Dear Jane Quilt - Block G1 Hattie's Hen House
Dear Jane Quilt - Block G1 Hattie's Hen House
Again just five pieces for this little Dear Jane block, G1 Hattie's Hen House. Again a bit of fussy cutting to add interest.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 5  pieces

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block H12 Hannah Lou's Hearts

Dear Jane Quilt - Block H12 Hannah Lou's Hearts
Dear Jane Quilt - Block H12 Hannah Lou's Hearts
Some people are always amazed that I am completing the Dear Jane quilt using the English Paper method.  I EPPed these hearts for Dear Jane block H12 Hannah's Hearts and then appliqued them onto the background - it works just fine and no fancy Freezer paper to worry about ... just make sure you slip out the paper before you make the final last applique stitches!

Over at Sarah Did It! you can find a haven of EPP.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 5 pieces

Sunday 15 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block K7 Rose of Sharing

Dear Jane Quilt - Block K7 Rose of Sharing
Dear Jane Quilt - Block K7 Rose of Sharing
This round of Dear Jane blocks had surprisingly few pieces.  This one, K7 Rose of Sharing had only five and if I hadn't insisted on doing some fussy cutting it would have been two.
Hoping to get a bit of slow stitching done on my Dear Jane quilt today.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 5 pieces

Saturday 14 January 2017

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E11 Wagon Wheel

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E11 Wagon Wheel
Dear Jane Quilt - Block E11 Wagon Wheel
My sister tried this block several times, with different techniques and different results.  The trauma of all that did put the fear of God into me as I approached this Dear Jane block, E11 Wagon Wheel.  I chose a quiet day of stitching where I knew I could concentrate on some heavy duty applique / reverse applique.  In the end it only had 7 pieces, it was stress free and I was quite pleased with how it came out in the end.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing and Applique
Pieces: 7 pieces

Tuesday 10 January 2017

La Grande Révélation - En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt Link UP

En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt
En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt
Here it is!  My En Provence 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt top is complete.  As you will see I went for a smaller size quilt this year, just three by three, but this was just about the right amount of work for me at this time of year.  I think the darker stars give it a good structure and I love the way they float out to the border. I love it!
En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt - Fabric Selection
En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt - Fabric Selection
These are the fabrics I started with, a selection of soft purples from a Moda French General collection called 'Ville Fleurie'.  I added another neutral after the first clue and am glad that I did, especially for the chequerboard border.  I am hoping I have enough of the little grey flower fabric to do the binding.
En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt
En Provence, 2016 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt
I have really taken time to get my piecing accurate and my points pointing and am glad I took the extra effort.
Ville Fleurie by French General, Moda
Ville Fleurie by French General, Moda
The Ville Fleurie fabric is on its way out and it is not often French General put out a purple line, so I have picked up this fabric from the collection for the backing.  The quilt is not quilted yet and it will have to wait its turn in the queue, so don't hold your breath.

This was my fourth Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt.  Always fun and always a chance to improve your machine piecing skills.  Looking back at my first, my Easy Street quilt, I can really see great improvement in my piecing skills and I can honestly say that I have learnt it all from Bonnie and these mystery quilts.  Looking at her blog, there are lots of people who have completed their quilts and some in lovely colour variations. Please go and visit. Thanks Bonnie!

Below you can find links to all the parts of my Mystery journey, thanks for joining me!