Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block G13 Molly's Muffins

Dear Jane Quilt - Block G13 Molly's Muffins
Dear Jane Quilt - Block G13 Molly's Muffins
I will try anything using EPP and even though working those curved shapes on Block G13 Molly's Muffins, was tricky, I think I have got away with it.

Talking of Molly, there is a delightful kitten called Molly learning the joys of a sewing room over at The Objecst of Design blog if you care to take a look.

Techniques: Appliqué and English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 13 pieces

Monday, 8 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 19, F6, G11, C3, G13

Dear Jane Quilt Blocks - Draw 18, F10, E2, F7, J9
Dear Jane Quilt Blocks - Draw 18, F10, E2, F7, J9

Here are the latest Dear Jane blocks I have done in green. I am still not sure about that Potholder block and it might be a re-do down the line.

I usually meet up at a sewing group on Monday evening for stitching, but tonight the weather is wet and VERY windy here in the UK, so I think I will stay in and stitch some Dear Jane blocks at home. 

Onto the next Draw 

C3 - Rayelle's Fence
F6 - Deanie's Daisies
G11 - Decisions, Decisions
G13 - Molly's Muffins

This Draw is Yellow.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F10 Potholder

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F10 Potholder
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F10 Potholder
This is the Dear Jane block F10 Potholder.  It went through several design drafts and still I don't think I quite got the diamonds in the corners quite right. Apparently, diamonds are a girls best friend, but to be honest whenever they have cropped up in my sewing they have been anything but a 'best friend', always causing trouble and never quite playing along with everyone else. 

I have learnt from The Constant Quilter blog that there is a whole genre known as 'Potholder Quilts' and if you look around her blog you will see she has even completed a whole Dear Jane using the technique.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 21 pieces

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block J9 Maury High School

Dear Jane Quilt - Block J9 Maury High School
Dear Jane Quilt - Block J9 Maury High School
J9 Maury High School looks like an innocent little block, but those four tiny, tiny melon shapes were a bit of a trial to say the least.

Maury High School is a REAL school in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

Techniques: Appliqué and English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 26 pieces

Friday, 5 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E2 Merry May

Dear Jane Quilt - Block E2 Merry May
Dear Jane Quilt - Block E2 Merry May
This is Dear Jane block E2 Merry May.  I slightly redrafted this one.  The central shape on my Electric Quilt pattern was not symmetrical.  The original design has two appliqued overlapping melon shapes, but as you can see, I have divided the shape into 5 pieces, stitched them together and then appliqued them onto the centre square.  More chance for fussy cutting and more pleasing to the eye.

Kim Diehl - Green fabrics
Kim Diehl - Green fabrics
I enjoy doing the green blocks as the patterns on this range of Kim Diehl fabrics are really attractive and lend themselves to fussy cutting. 

BTW, here is the progress on the spring bulbs - a weekend away and look what happened!

Techniques: Appliqué and English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 14 pieces

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F7 Star Struck

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F7 Star Struck
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F7 Star Struck
The last time my Dear Jane blocks got out and about was when I went over to Maastricht to the Quilt exhibition, so it is good to see them getting some fresh air on the Cornish coast.  This is Block F7 Star Struck.

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F7 Star Struck
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F7 Star Struck
So far there have not been many 'star' blocks in Dear Jane, certainly not in comparison to the Nearly Insane blocks, where every other block seemed to be a star variation.  Anyway, nice and simple, a few flying geese blocks, a border - DONE.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 20 pieces

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 18, F10, E2, F7, J9

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 17, LR5, LR9, RR5, RR9 Triangles
Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 17, LR5, LR9, RR5, RR9 Triangles

I have done 65 blocks of my Dear Jane quilt so far, which is about 28% of the quilt (average 13 a month).  My sister was right when she said I still had a way to go.  However, with a few of these Dear Jane triangle border blocks under my belt I am really pleased to see them getting done alongside the main body of the quilt.  Borders usually suffer from being last in the queue when a quilt is being made and never get the same enthusiasm as the those first few blocks at the start of a project.

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangles
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangles
I have cut out the majority of the alternating blocks for the border which will be in my neutral tan fabric.  By keeping them plain I hope it will offer an opportunity to add some interest with the quilting. 

Moving onto the next set, Draw 18

Draw 18
F10 - Potholder
E2 - Merry May
F7 - Star Struck
J9 - Maury High School

This Draw will also be in Green.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block RR9 Danish Delight

Cowslip Workshop, Launceston
Cowslip Workshop, Launceston
I have been out and about this weekend visiting family in Cornwall and helping the local quilt shops maintain economic sustainability.  On the way back I managed to persuade my husband that Cowslip Workshop near Launceston would be a good place to stop for lunch - which it was.  You will see the daffodils are out.  In some places they are past their best and it is only the start of February!
Cowslip Workshop, Launceston
Cowslip Workshop, Launceston
As always a lovely selection of fabrics.  BTW Cowslip Workshop are having a sale this week starting today, Tuesday 2nd February 2016 until Thursday with 10% all fabric and  40% off Christmas fabric.  I picked up a few plain fabrics from the French General collections - I never seem to have a problem using these.

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block  RR9 Danish Delight
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block  RR9 Danish Delight

Onto the latest Dear Jane block, RR9 Danish Delight. I am getting quite used to these triangle blocks and this is the last one of the latest Draw.  Some of the triangle shapes in this one look exactly the same, BUT they are not, so do take care to get the right one in the right place if you are attempting this one.

Also a bit of a public service announcement.  I had noticed recently that I was losing Followers at a fairly alarming rate and I was feeling a bit of a social pariah.  Thankfully it is not me but Google who have changed their policies about what ID you use to Follow.  See the details here  http://buzz.blogger.com/2015/12/an-update-on-google-friend-connect.html

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 23 pieces

Friday, 29 January 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block RR5 Geisha Girl

Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block  RR5 Geisha Girl
Dear Jane Quilt - Border Triangle Block  RR5 Geisha Girl
There were a few nervous moments with this block.  I lost the very top tiny triangle, but knew there were only two places it could be and it eventually turned up stuck to another piece of the block.  I constructed the Dear Jane border triangle RR5 Geisha Girl using my usual English Paper Piecing technique, except for the melon in the centre which I appliqued. 

Last Monday I shared my current 'Springwatch' activity, seeing the development of my hyacinth.  It is certainly starting to shoot up and I expect the flowers to be peeping out within the next few days.  Can you guess what colour it will be?

Techniques: Appliqué and English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 26 pieces

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Colourwave Quilt

Colourwave Quilt
Colourwave Quilt
Back in October last year I shared with you my progress on a workshop with Jan Hassard held at Busy Bees Patchwork, to make this Colourwave quilt. As you can see it is complete and it has been for some time, I just haven't had time to share it with you.  Jan specialises in colour and geometric designs and her workshops come highly recommended.  If you step back from you screen you will see the illusional effect of this quilt pattern even more.
Colourwave Quilt - fabric selection
Colourwave Quilt - fabric selection
On my return from the workshop I had a bit of a re-jig of my colours and worked out a colour scheme which I was much happier with.  To get this colour effect you need at least 36 different fabrics which is quite a tall order if you don't collect batiks in your stash, but the more you have the better the effect.
Suzi the Cat helps with the Colourwave Quilt
Suzi the Cat helps with the Colourwave Quilt
Suzi the cat was keen to join in this project. She is very pleased I don't have a design wall and that I have to use the floor ...
Superior Threads Rainbow 821 Carnival variegated thread
Superior Threads Rainbow 821 Carnival variegated thread

Not only is the quilt top done, but it is quilted.  I used a variegated Superior Threads Rainbow (821 Carnival) thread which blended well with all the different colours of the quilt and really popped when it reached the black fabric.  I use 80/20 cotton/polyester for the wadding.
Kiss by Melonie J Caldwell and Patricia Ritter
Kiss by Melonie J Caldwell and Patricia Ritter

In fact I loved the effect of the variegated thread on black so much that I used a black fabric for the backing.  Using my long arm quilting machine I stitched out a digital pantograph, Kiss by Melonie J Caldwell and Patricia Ritter.  There were so many different patterns I could have chosen for this quilt, each giving a different look.

Colourwave Quilt
Colourwave Quilt
It was lovely to work with such bright and colourful fabrics for a change and also to work on a smaller sized quilt than normal.  Thanks Jan!  Joining up with Whoop Whoop Friday! and Crazy Mom Quilts!

Colourwave Quilt - Borders cat on quilt
Colourwave Quilt - Borders