Thursday, 21 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block M5 Mother's Point

Union Jack Bunting Queen
Celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday
Today there has been an excuse to put up the Union Jack bunting as it is the Queen's 90th birthday. It is a bit more low key than the Golden and Diamond Jubilee celebrations of recent years, but a significant milestone in itself.
Dear Jane Quilt - Block M5 Mother's Point
Dear Jane Quilt - Block M5 Mother's Point
Having milestones is my favourite way of maintaining interest in a long term project such as the Dear Jane quilt.  As you know, I recently reached the 100th block milestone and in the not too distant future there will be the halfway milestone to look forward to.

This is the Dear Jane block M5 Mother's Point. I like how the colours have turned out with this.  A nice simple block.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces:  18 pieces

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 28 - E10, K5, L1, M5

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 27 - A3, B10, C8, M13
Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 27 - A3, B10, C8, M13
Here are the latest Dear Jane blocks.  Quite a simple set and just look at that Lynette's Diamond - I am still in love with it.
Prize Draw - Malvern Quilt Show 2016
Don't forget there are still a few days to enter my Prize Draw for two tickets to the Malvern Quilt Show in May.  All the details can be found on my 7th April 2016 post.  I will be making the draw on the weekend.
Moving on to Draw 28

Draw 28
E10 - Five and Dime
K5 - Passing Through
L1 - Widow's Pane
M5 - Mother's Point

This Draw will be in BLUE.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block M13 Lynette's Diamond

Dear Jane Quilt - Block M13 Lynette's Diamond
Dear Jane Quilt - Block M13 Lynette's Diamond
Oh my - I absolutely love this Dear Jane block, M13 Lynette's Diamond.   Yes, it is all applique and I am super-chuffed at the result.  In the book this is the last 4.5" square block if you were doing it in order.  If you didn't quite get that far, you are missing a treat.

Techniques: Applique
Pieces: 6 pieces

Monday, 18 April 2016

Doll Quilt Swap, April 2016

Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
It was such fun doing the Humble Quilts Doll Quilt Swap last year that I just had to sign up again this year.  Now that I know my swap partner has received her Doll quilt I can tell you a bit more about it. The reproduction fabrics that are required are about in the UK, just not as abundant as the USA, but with the extra fabric my swappers sent from America last year I had a bit more to play with and went with a traditional country style brown scheme.
Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
I went with a broken dishes pattern for the centre which used up most of my brown charm squares and then added some borders. 

Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt Reverse
I am currently reading 'Mastering Precision Piecing' by Sally Collins and so I thought with this small quilt I would take the time to gain more accuracy, based on the tips in her book.  I spun the seams of my triangles and I even chose to mitre the corners on the border.  You will see from the photo that I was as pleased with the back of the top as the front!

Frances Meredith Fabadashery long arm quilting
Doll Quilt Swap - Brown Broken Dishes Quilt
I had hoped to hand quilt this little beauty, but fitting it into my current work plan wasn't happening.  I popped it onto the long arm quilting machine and I had a pleasant couple of hours stitching. As usual posts were popping up on the internet and the Humble Quilts Facebook page of photos of doll quilts which had already been received as part of the swap, which put me into a panic knowing it had to be sent across the Atlantic.  As it happens it only took 7 days for it to arrive, faster than something within the UK takes!

Thanks to Lori at Humble Quilts for organising the swap.
Also a Finish for Whoop Whoop and Crazy Mom!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block C8 Hani's Crown

Suzi the cat helping out with the Dear Jane Quilt
Suzi the cat helping out with the Dear Jane Quilt
It has been a day of preparing Dear Jane quilt blocks.  Don't underestimate how long it takes to cut out these blocks, let alone sew them together.  Almost every piece needs to be cut individually and is a far cry from any bulk rotary cutting which makes the modern day patchwork and quilting process quicker.  If I am honest I quite like fiddling about with tiny bits of tiny fabric ... Luckily I have had the moral support of Suzi the cat who has been playing a variation of 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey', called 'Place your tail under the Rotary Cutter'.
Dear Jane Quilt - Block C8 Hani's Crown
Dear Jane Quilt - Block C8 Hani's Crown
Onto the latest block.  The way I have designated the colours of this Dear Jane block, C8 Hani's Crown, makes it look quite weedy compared to some others, but pretty nonetheless. 

Dear Jane Quilt - Block C8 Hani's Crown
Dear Jane Quilt - Block C8 Hani's Crown Quilt
To increase its impact, how about a whole quilt of Hani's Crown blocks instead?

So more slow cutting than slow stitching today, but still EPP - hop over to Kathy's Quilts and Help For Hexis and Feline Friday

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces: 21 pieces

Friday, 15 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block B10 Jud's Trophy

Dear Jane Quilt - Block B10 Jud's Trophy
Dear Jane Quilt - Block B10 Jud's Trophy
Here is B10 Jud's Trophy.  Those centre triangles are small, so I went for a folded piece of fabric option rather than wrapping around a piece of tiny paper.  A pretty standard squares and triangles block, but I quite like it.
I made this Dear Jane block whilst taking some time out to watch an art history documentary on the British artist David Hockney.  I love watching artists at work and seeing where they find their inspiration.

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces:  29pieces

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A3 Hunter's Moon

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A3 Hunter's Moon
Dear Jane Quilt - Block A3 Hunter's Moon
This round of blocks seem to have very few pieces.  Only 5 in this one, A3 Hunter's Moon which reminds me of a 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul' block. I have another 'in progress' shot for you, where you can see that I tacked on the centre shape to position the pieces, which I then removed.

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A3 Hunter's Moon
Dear Jane Quilt - Block A3 Hunter's Moon

 I have been looking back at my Nearly Insane quilt journey and see that 100 pieces in a 6" block was my preferred amount.  That was piecing, this is applique, so 5 will do. 

Techniques: Applique
Pieces:  5 pieces

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Draw 27 - A3, B10, C8, M13

It feels like Papa's Star from Draw 26 came and went without too much of a fuss, so I guess the 'only way is up' from here with regard to the Dear Jane blocks.

Suzi the Cat working on her Dear Jane quilt
Suzi the Cat working on her Dear Jane quilt
When I am away I seem to use up my Dear Jane blocks quite quickly, so I have spent a bit of time catching up with myself.  After lots of rain yesterday, today has been beautifully sunny and Suzi the cat has found just the spot to help.  More cat helpers can be seen over at Feline Friday - yes, EVERY Friday!

Alongside my Dear Jane blocks I have also been working on my Doll Quilt Swap which is now completed, in the post and on its way to the USA.  Did you take part this year?

Moving onto Draw 27

A3 - Hunter's Moon
B10 - Jud's Trophy
C8 - Hani's Crown
M13 - Lynette's Diamond

This draw will be in Yellow.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F9 Autumn Aster

Dear Jane Quilt - Block F9 Autumn Aster
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F9 Autumn Aster
Here is Dear Jane block F9 Autumn Aster, quite time consuming due to the way it is constructed.
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F9 Autumn Aster
Dear Jane Quilt - Block F9 Autumn Aster
Here is an 'in progress' shot.  This Dear Jane block involved a lot of applique, in fact applique on applique.  I am using some Japanese silk Kimono thread for my applique and despite it being like very fine hair to sew with, I have found it very satisfactory so far.
South Devon Coast Path, April 2016
For those of you who visited yesterday's post, yes, you were correct - Dear Jane block Starlight Star Bright was on the Mayflower Steps at the Barbican in Plymouth.  Back in August 2015 we finished walking the whole Cornish coastal path, so we have now moved onto Devon.  Our first few miles were walking through the City of Plymouth which were in fact extremely interesting due to its history and a great contrast to the usual mind-blowing views of the South West coast path which we usually have to put up with ...

Techniques: Applique and English Paper Piecing
Pieces:  13 pieces

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A13 Starlight Star Bright

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A13 Starlight Star Bright
Dear Jane Quilt - Block A13 Starlight Star Bright
Where am I? 

So far this Dear Jane quilt has not been on many trips, but recently block A13 Starlight Star Bright has been treated to a day out, since it is officially the completed 100th block on my Dear Jane journey. 

Dear Jane Quilt - Block A13 Starlight Star Bright
Dear Jane Quilt - Block A13 Starlight Star Bright
Starlight Star Bright is a nice simple block using EPP, so not too much trouble for me

So where am I?

Techniques: English Paper Piecing
Pieces:  21  pieces