Tuesday 13 August 2013

Pets On Quilts? Pets Not On Quilts!

Pets on Quilts Show 2013 Lilypad Quilting
Cats not on quilts ....
I was away over the weekend, and my parting words to the cats as I left were "Don't forget it is Pets on Quilts Week, next week!"

I have returned in readiness to capture a prize winning photo only to find that the cats, Sparky and Suzi, are making a rare united protest, by both sitting in the same room, NOT sitting on any of the three quilted items that I have provided for their comfort and enjoyment.  No fear, as a team, we have until Saturday 17th August to submit our entry over at Lilypad Quilting, where you can find all the details of how to enter and all the lovely quilty prizes available.


  1. Cats always have their own mind about these things, don't they? The quilt is lovely though. I bet they give in :-)

  2. Hmm. Have you been training them? Normally you don't have time to turn round before a cat appears to audition a new quilt.

  3. How about Pets Close to Quilts?
