Monday 13 November 2023

Bonnie Hunter 2023 Mystery Quilt - Indigo Way - Colour alternatives

Most of the followers on this blog are keen Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt addicts and so I thought I had better touch base regarding the 2023 Mystery Quilt - Indigo Way.  You can find the details at Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Indigo Way Mystery Introduction!

'Indigo Way' Quiltville Mystery Quilt 2023
'Indigo Way' Quiltville Mystery Quilt 2023
She has picked some pretty colours this year - how do I know, because I used them last year for my Chilhowie 2022 Mystery Quilt!
'Chilhowie' 2022 Quiltville Mystery Quilt
'Chilhowie' 2022 Quiltville Mystery Quilt
I hope this photo provides some inspiration for the 2023 Mystery Quilt 'Indigo Way'.  I chose the colours to celebrate the 2023 Coronation of King Charles II.  It is yet to be quilted but everything is ready to go.  So knowing that my navy, light blue and red fabrics were used up last year, what should I do?  In recent years, Bonnie has chosen just a few colours in her quilts which is much easier to chop and change when you don't know what the outcome will be.
'Indigo Way' Mystery Quilt - Colour alternative
'Indigo Way' Mystery Quilt - Colour alternative
Firstly, how about a dark green, light green and pink option?  This is one of my favourite colour combinations for most things and would make a lovely quilt.
'Indigo Way' Mystery Quilt - Colour alternative
'Indigo Way' Mystery Quilt - Colour alternative

Then I pulled this combination from my stash - black, dark brown and tan.  I think this would make a lovely quilt too. I am still not sure whether I am joining in this year as I am busy doing other things, but once the first clue comes out, it may be hard to resist!

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