October 2013 Progress - Nearly Insane Quilt |
It's my birthday this week, so what better way to celebrate than to pull out all the blocks from my Nearly Insane Quilt and see how it is coming along.
The tally for October 2013 is
39 Blocks
14 Edge blocks
30 Cornerstones
01 Half Cornerstone
77 Sashes
09 Border Units
I have also had a request to know how many pieces I have done so far. The sums for this work out at
Blocks and Edge Blocks = 2180
Cornerstones = 276
Sashes = 77
Border Units = 31
TOTAL = 2564
Nearly Insane Quilt Progress, October 2013 |
Once this layout photo is on my iPAD, I will admit that I spend hours and hours contemplating it, looking at blocks which look good, and analysing why, as well as looking at others and thinking how I might have done them differently. No doubt a few more blocks could have been completed in this 'contemplation' time, but I think I am generating my own formula to get the colour balance right in each block, and I think the more recent blocks are an improvement on some of my earlier ones. Also, this photo in particular has highlighted that I am behind with my sashings and cornerstones, so a bit of push on those are due.
You will see that since last time round I have also started on the zig zag border pieces, with the intention that when the day comes, all the components will be at hand to put the quilt together. With the random draws, there still isn't a complete row to start putting the blocks, sashing, and cornerstones together. Also, the bigger it gets the more difficult it is getting to take a good picture, but I am having fun trying!
Nearly Insane Quilt - Electric Quilt Software |
And finally, here is an image of how they will look in the final quilt, taken from my Electric Quilt software. I think from now on I will need to refer to this more often, and take more care when I am choosing fabric combinations for the blocks which are adjacent to others.